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Multitudes of sources are referred before taking any content live on “The Smaranika” to make it error free. Work of “The Smaranika” would be incomplete without due mention of references. The online references cited below have been helpful at some point during analysis of our work, specifically while writing lyrics of old songs. It is not possible to mention each and every reference, however, we will try to include as many as possible. 

Online References

1. YouTube

YouTube is the largest resource for “The Smaranika” for writing lyrics of songs. Channels like Odia Melody are treasure troves of old Odia music. “The Smaranika” checks various videos in multiple channels and finds the best fit to be included on its pages. It is worth noting that some channels do not allow to embed their videos on other websites. In the interest of our users, we have categorically excluded videos of such restricting channels on “The Smaranika” and will continue to do so until the channels allow their videos to be played on other sites. In the rarest of rare cases we redirect our users to watch videos of such restricting channels directly on YouTube. If you fall in this category and would like to place your video on "The Smaranika" for free, please ensure that your videos can be embedded on other websites and let us know by visiting our contact page. Check screenshot below for more information.

Detailed steps on how to enable embedding of YouTube videos:

Got to YouTube Video Manager, click on a video, go to advanced/more options tab, scroll down to bottom and ensure that "Allow embedding" checkbox is checked. Check this Google support page for more information.

Image: Screenshot showing how to allow embedding of YouTube videos on other sites



4. Odia Music 

If YouTube fails, do not get disheartened. Odia Music has some of the finest old odia songs which are not available on YouTube! 

5. IMDb

IMDb is probably the largest repository data regarding Odia movies. Check a list of Odia movies sorted by year on IMDb here.

6. Wikipedia

Check here for information regarding odia movie sorted by year on Wikipedia.

7. Odia Movie Database

Check a list of Odia movies sorted in reverse chronological order on Odia Movie Database.

8. Gaana 

9. Saavn

10. Amazon Music

12. Purnachandra Odia Bhashakosha, Gopala Chandra Praharaj

Source: Odia Bibhaba
Source: University of Chicago 
Source: Android App “Praharaj Purnnacandra Odia Bhashakosha” by University of Chicago

Offline References

ପାଠ୍ୟପୁସ୍ତକ (Textbooks)

1. ବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ ଓ ଗଣଶିକ୍ଷା ବିଭାଗ, ଓଡ଼ିଶା ସରକାର ଙ୍କ ଦ୍ଵାରା ପ୍ରଣୀତ ଓଡ଼ିଆ ପାଠ୍ୟପୁସ୍ତକ (Texbooks published by Department of School & Mass Education, Odisha)
2. ମାଧ୍ୟମିକ ଶିକ୍ଷା ପରିଷଦ, ଓଡ଼ିଶା ସରକାର ଙ୍କ ଦ୍ଵାରା ପ୍ରଣୀତ ଓଡ଼ିଆ ପାଠ୍ୟପୁସ୍ତକ (Texbooks published by Board of Secondary Education, Odisha)
3. ଓଡ଼ିଶା ରାଜ୍ୟ ପାଠ୍ୟପୁସ୍ତକ ପ୍ରଣୟନ ଓ ପ୍ରକାଶନ ସଂସ୍ଥା ଦ୍ଵାରା ପ୍ରଣୀତ ଓଡ଼ିଆ ପାଠ୍ୟପୁସ୍ତକ (Texbooks published by Odisha State Bureau of Textbook Preparation And Production, Odisha)

ଅଭିଧାନ (Dictionary)

1. ତରୁଣ ଶବ୍ଦକୋଷ, କୃଷ୍ଣଚନ୍ଦ୍ର କର (Taruna Shabdakosha, Krushnachandra Kar)
2. ସାରସ୍ଵତ ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଭାଷାକୋଷ, କୃପାସିନ୍ଧୁ ବିଶ୍ଵାଳ (Saraswata Odia Bhashakosha, Krupasindhu Biswal)
3. ନିଉ ଏଜ୍ ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଅଭିଧାନ, ନଟବର ଶତପଥୀ (New Age Odia Abhidhana, Natabara Satapathy)

ଗତ ସପ୍ତାହର "ଦି ସ୍ମରଣିକା" ପାଠକଙ୍କ ଆଦୃତ ଲେଖା ସମୂହ

ଶ୍ରିତ କମଲା କୁଚ ମଣ୍ଡଲ (ମଙ୍ଗଲ ଗୀତମ୍) ଶ୍ରୀ ଜୟଦେବ କୃତ ଗୀତ ଗୋବିନ୍ଦ - Shrita Kamla Kucha Mandala (Mangala Geetam) Shri Jayadev Krita Gita Govinda Lyrics

ସୀତା ଲୋ ଆଜି ଜଳୁଛି ଯାହାର ଚିତା ଲୋ - Sita Lo Aaji Jaluchhi Jahara Chita Lo Lyrics

କାଳିଜାଈରେ ସନ୍ଧ୍ୟା - Kalijaire Sandhya Kabita Lyrics

ନୀଳାଚଳ ଧାମ ଯାଇ ମୁଁ ପାରୁନି - Nilachala Dhama Jai Mun Paruni Lyrics

ମୋ କଳା ଚାନ୍ଦରେ ଧନ୍ୟ ତୋ ଛନ୍ଦରେ - Mo kala chandare dhanya to chhandare Lyrics

ନିକଟରେ ମିଳିଥିବା ମନ୍ତବ୍ୟ ସବୁ

"ଦି ସ୍ମରଣିକା" ପାଠକଙ୍କ ସର୍ବାଧିକ ଆଦୃତ ଲେଖା ସମୂହ

କାଳିଜାଈରେ ସନ୍ଧ୍ୟା - Kalijaire Sandhya Kabita Lyrics

ଶ୍ରିତ କମଲା କୁଚ ମଣ୍ଡଲ (ମଙ୍ଗଲ ଗୀତମ୍) ଶ୍ରୀ ଜୟଦେବ କୃତ ଗୀତ ଗୋବିନ୍ଦ - Shrita Kamla Kucha Mandala (Mangala Geetam) Shri Jayadev Krita Gita Govinda Lyrics

ଉଠ କଙ୍କାଳ, ଛିଡ଼ୁ ଶୃଙ୍ଖଳ, ଜାଗ ଦୁର୍ବଳ ଆଜି - Utha Kankala, Chhidu Shrunkhala, Jaga Durbala Aaji Lyrics

ଦି ସ୍ମରଣିକା କ୍ଵିକ୍ ଲିଙ୍କ ସମୂହ